- Operating results
- Financial Position
- Cash Flow Status
Operating results
Net sales
(million yen)
Operating income
(million yen)
Ordinary income
(million yen)
Profit attributable to owners of parent
(million yen)
Basic earnings per share
Rate of return on equity
Ordinary income to total assets ratio
Operating income to net sales ratio
Financial Position
Total assets
(million yen)
Net assets
(million yen)
Capital adequacy ratio
Net assets per share
Cash Flow Status
Cash flows from operating activities
(million yen)
Cash flows from investing activities
(million yen)
Cash flows from financing activities
(million yen)
Cash and equivalents, end of period
(million yen)
Any plans, estimates, strategies, targets, etc. published on this website that are not historical fact are forward-looking statements. These statements are management decisions based on information available at the time. While the Company exercises the utmost caution in preparing the contents of this website, NEXYZ.Group Corporation is not liable for any errors in information or damages caused due to data downloads. This website is not an invitation to invest. Investment decisions are at the sole judgment of the investor.